Friday, December 30, 2011

Merry Christmas - a very peaceful and relaxing night in my Godson Grandparent's house

Sunday, December 4, 2011

special interview by TV -artist peter suk sin chan 訪問陳叔善

Thank you very much indeed for the Fairchild TV - city tv  speically come to my solo exhibiton for an extensive cover, really apprecite

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thank You Today Commercial News  Torotno Edition reporting news of my solo art exhibiton

Saturday, November 12, 2011

大清帝國皇后公主貴妃圖之二 - 春回御苑綠滿園 2011  Spring Return to the Imperial Garden

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy and Honour to be the Master of Ceremony for the Children Art Award organized by te North American Weekly Times.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Artist Peter Suk Sin Chan & his Royal Lady of The Ching Dynasty Painting

The Royal Lady of the Ching Dynasty

This painting of mine will be exhibit in my November solo art exhibition from November 26-December 6, 2011.If you have time, welcome to visit my art show.

US$/Canadian$ 1800 Framed

Monday, October 24, 2011

You are all warmly welcome to my solo art exhibiiton which will take place in November 26-December 6, 2011

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Monday, August 22, 2011

One of my best favour Polish Food

I love to eat this kind of food since i am a small childd

One of My Favour Polish Dish 我最喜歡吃的波蘭炸豬排....一般來说,除非我很趕著到別處去或在我附近没有小餐店,否則我很少去快餐廳吃飯..這間在多倫多的小波蘭城中的小店便是我喜愛的...老板娘己是一大把年紀了..但煮得一手好菜,正如圖中的炸豬排餐,真的是皮脆肉嫩香噴噴 ( 很多其他地方煮得要不肉是硬的,皮是軟又或煮得不太熟)...但這兒吃得很安心永遠保持水準...午餐奉上即曰例湯非常的新鲜料濃..餐盤內的小伴菜更是可口...只牧取加元連税$11.25.......最近一次光顧她時..波蘭老太太己是老到不能久站了,由她的一位老姐妹在忙著煮菜, 老太太看到我來了便親身起來慢馒一步一步手扶著椅子走進廚房煮給我吃,不用她姊妹幫手...因為老太太心中知道我是她知音,我到來便是想吃她煮的炸豬排......和我一起來的朋友稍稍跟我说,馒馒好好享用吧...因為看在眼裹....我們都明白到時不會予老太太多久了........唉!人生何處不相逢....只是相逢恨晚...!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Deer Peter

I love animal since i am a small child...I am so happy to be able to take this photo with the beautiful and lovely Deers years ago. Look at the one sit right beside me, she is also smiling to the camera is so fun