Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Monday, July 15, 2013
when i see this two lotus flowers, i was move, because it seems they are telling me that they will be together forever until the end of the world, so i take this photo ......peter suk sin chan
when i see this two lotus flowers, i was move, because it seems they are telling me that they will be together forever until the end of the world, so i take this photo ......peter suk sin chan
Thursday, July 4, 2013
小鹿奇遇記....畫家陳叔善 Wonderful Encounter With A Lovely Deer - artist peter suk sin chan
今天早上從家中出們, 見到了一隻鹿在一鄰居家前,可惜剛好另一鄰居駕車上班,那小鹿便 跳入附近的小樹木區肉, 這小樹木林是一條通往大街的小路,我時常從這裹步行到巴士站,行 程只需2-3分鐘而己, 但在春夏季經過這小區, 時常可以見到松鼠.小野兔.淙熊,狐狸,小野狼....鹿則是很 偶然才碰上...雖然這只是小小樹區, 但市府保育工作不錯..時常有工作人員檢查樹木情況,斬去有病或 有不良影嚮的外來生長什樹等等.....在我步行往車站時.我看 到那鹿正在躲在樹木堆後看我...哈哈..好玩呀 ! 或許這鹿知道我沒有惡意和危險,所以便沒有再奔走,而且也不介意 我在拍攝他, 反而自在的在樹後大便,然後慢馒地去找葉吃.....太美妙了. ..make my day..love it...可惜我趕時上班,不然便會多拍一些少......當然 我不會太去打擾他的....那是不對的....要讓一切回歸自然 ..我只能做個過客而己.
This morning while i just leave my home, i see a beautiful Deer in front of one of my neighbor's home.....suddenly another neighbor drive to work and the Deer was scare and jump right back into the bushes. This little bushes area actually is a tiny short cut path toward the main road, i often walk from here to the bus stop only take about 2-3 minutes normal walk. During spring and summer season, one can often see many many wild bunnies, racoon, fox , and once in a while will see the coyot and Deer as well. Even though this is only a tiny tiny bushes area, but the city did do a good job in preserving the area, i often see workers come here to check the trees in this area, cut away the one that is sick or some uninvite species. While i walking toward the bus area, i see the Deer is hiding behind the trees and looking at me....ha. that is so fun.....may be he sense i pose no harm or bad intention to him , so he did not jump away anymore and did not even mind i am taking video of him... he feel so comfortable that he went to drop a waste and then slowly walk to find some leaves to eat.....o..so wonderful... make my day..just love it.... too bad, i had to go to work otherwisse i will like to stay just for a little short while and take some more footaage....off course i will make sure, i wont disturb him....for that is not right......one need to make sure everything is as natural as it is in this area for them.... i am just a passerby......o..boy..o..boy.. animal and natural are so beautiful.
my official website www.petersuksinchan.com
今天早上從家中出們, 見到了一隻鹿在一鄰居家前,可惜剛好另一鄰居駕車上班,那小鹿便
This morning while i just leave my home, i see a beautiful Deer in front of one of my neighbor's home.....suddenly another neighbor drive to work and the Deer was scare and jump right back into the bushes. This little bushes area actually is a tiny short cut path toward the main road, i often walk from here to the bus stop only take about 2-3 minutes normal walk. During spring and summer season, one can often see many many wild bunnies, racoon, fox , and once in a while will see the coyot and Deer as well. Even though this is only a tiny tiny bushes area, but the city did do a good job in preserving the area, i often see workers come here to check the trees in this area, cut away the one that is sick or some uninvite species. While i walking toward the bus area, i see the Deer is hiding behind the trees and looking at me....ha. that is so fun.....may be he sense i pose no harm or bad intention to him , so he did not jump away anymore and did not even mind i am taking video of him... he feel so comfortable that he went to drop a waste and then slowly walk to find some leaves to eat.....o..so wonderful... make my day..just love it.... too bad, i had to go to work otherwisse i will like to stay just for a little short while and take some more footaage....off course i will make sure, i wont disturb him....for that is not right......one need to make sure everything is as natural as it is in this area for them.... i am just a passerby......o..boy..o..boy..
my official website www.petersuksinchan.com
Monday, July 1, 2013
One hot summer day and Pride day in toronto
Today is a hot and beautiful day and also pride day in Toronto, my friend and i took some photos to share with you
小姐說....好凉爽...我愛夏日長........ "...涼風輕輕吹送倍令我有百感生....."
".假正經,假正經,做人何必假正經...何必呢!...您要看,就仔细看.....在飄飄飄個不停....." 白光名曲假正經 |
要涼快,就要像她一樣身無長物衣服越小越好...看官們同意嗎? |
唉..左等又等,算來算去,您還是沒來..要我一個人光光的在大街上等您 |
今夭我們一起去拍拖 |
這位仁兄太客氣,我不是長官,不用升旗敬禮了 |
紅色小魔怪 |
君子坦蕩蕩 |
哎呀...來嘛...來嘛....不用付錢..送您一吻 |
黃色手槍--007占士邦 |
妹妹我愛您...我愛您 |
正如共產黨名句......... "我們的朋友滿天下" |
看到了這四大天男,彷彿感到有點重遇粵劇名伶任姐--任劍輝 |
愛人呀...我要把您緊緊的擁入懷中 |
亞姐出馬 ( 老娘威威 ) |
情難自禁 |
亞媽...我搵到喇 |
我要...我要您...我要您的... |
童叟無欺....大人細铬..各行各路 |
愛的路上我和您 |
我和您打著一把雨傘,親熱的在那街頭蕩樣.... |
"....我們倆手拉手.....愛就像一首歌,一幅畫" |
等陣去邊度威 |
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