Sunday, December 28, 2014

Felling So So Sleepy--- Peter Suk Sin Chan

December is always a busy month, because everyone is busy with preparing Christmas, lot of things to do, to plans, to go....etc..... i already try to stay home and have a quiet Christmas ....but still feeling  tire, and sleepy...  :)

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas to my Blogger & Facebook friend from Peter Suk Sin Chan

Time is passing fast, another Christmas is here, wish my Blogger and Facebook friend A Merry Christmas from Peter Suk Sin Chan

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

I love to watch ghost and vampire movies, many of the time they are not very well make, but for ghost film lover like me, as long as they are entertainting, scary, fun, with action, that is already good enough, i just want entertainment, so take a look of this HongKong make vampire film if you have time, is fun, scary, entertaining, off course please dont compare with A grade drama film...for killing time, is great

Saturday, December 13, 2014

2014 First Heavy Snow 2014年的第一場大雪 陳叔善

Last night we had our first heavy snow fall, this morning everything look so beautiful cover with the white snow. However, accroding to the news last night almost there is an car accident happened in every three minutes, so becareful when you drive in winter, keep a safe distance and a safe speed. Many cases of people had fainted or minor stroke when cleaning the snow from their make sure,  when cleaning your snow, wear enough clothing, using some light and easy handle tools, dont try to rush to finished it all at one , take your time, go back for a cup of tea, coffee or hot chocolate..then come out again when you feel tired......besides that, winter is great as long as there is no wind, no ice or snow/ice is some photos that i took hope you will like it...peter suk sin chan

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Went to friend's birthday party, as an MC also one of her guest singer......Peter Suk Sin Chan

去了朋友Smiley的生曰派對, 和 Mena 一起做司儀及唱了2首歌..
Happy went to my friend Smiley's bithday party, me and Mena was the MC for the  night and i was one of her guest singer singing two songs , one Mandarin and one Cantonese song.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

I am very happy to be invited as the guest singer for Mike Yen's fund raising dinner gala....i sing totally three songs, two are mandarin and one are was a great evening, lot of great programs , everyone all having a great time and i  hope you will enjoy me singing this popular old mandarin song....have a nice weekend
Peter Suk Sin Chan

Friday, November 7, 2014

I am so happy and proud for Artist/Producer Derek Sypniewski. His documentary film about Native Canadian had been purchased by the Swiss Museum- Volkerkunde Museum( for non-exclusive right). And Derek's DVD was put inside the book published by the Swiss University ( deruniversitat Zuriich) in their book ( Irokesen ) by Professor Harry Schuler. They like this film so much that they did not edited or change anything in it...... i was very happy too, because i am the assistant Camera for this documentary film of Derek and his company
Here is the link from North American Weekly news report about this case

北美生活報- 制片畫家戴活原住民記綠片被端仕搏物館購買了版權-畫家陳叔善是此片的助理攝影

洋畫家戴活拍攝原住民紀錄片 瑞士買斷版權

时间:2014-11-07 06:45来源:未知 作者:admin 点击: 140 次
戴活(左)與助理攝影陳叔善手捧志錄巨作 (托馬斯 )酷愛中國繪畫藝術的洋畫家戴活(Derek Sypniewski)近年傾盡全力拍攝了一套有關北美原住民印地安人的紀錄片。在該紀錄片中,戴活詳盡紀錄了原住民的衣食住行,精要概括了原住民獨特的生活、文化和藝術,


  (托馬斯 )酷愛中國繪畫藝術的洋畫家戴活(Derek Sypniewski)近年傾盡全力拍攝了一套有關北美原住民印地安人的紀錄片。在該紀錄片中,戴活詳盡紀錄了原住民的衣食住行,精要概括了原住民獨特的生活、文化和藝術,反映了原住民傳承千年的不朽精神。
  戴活本身是一位知名畫家和導演。尤其值得一提的是,他對中國的繪畫藝術也情有獨鐘,同時還是安省中國美術會、加拿大墨韻琴聲中國書畫會等華人為主的藝術團體的活躍成員。正是因為戴活在藝術領域的獨特造詣,加上助理攝影陳叔善(Peter Chan)也是本地著名畫家,所以拍出來的紀錄片的藝術性、文化教育水平非常之高,遠非一般制作能比擬。

  戴活拍攝的該紀錄片由其公司TRIPLE EIGHT PRODUCTIONS制作,并放在其網站WWW.888PRODUCTIONS.ORG中。有興趣的讀者和觀眾可登錄欣賞。此外,戴活的公司專注拍片,諸如音樂影片、婚宴、會議及其他活動,如獲延請,都能有大師級作品可供紀念。 (责任编辑:admin)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

UnderGround Ghost - Directed by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善導演的鬼短片

I hope  you will enjoy this short film that i directed, thank you for watching

Peter Suk Sin Chan 畫家 陳叔善

Peter Suk Sin Chan was born in Hong Kong. He started drawing at the age of 4 and credits his elementary school art teacher Mrs. Muriel Andrews for encouraging him to develop his artistic talent. Peter started his own business and traveled extensively  but realized that he was not fulfilling his true calling as an artist. He decided to give up his business and pursue his dream as an fine art artist. In addition to his passion for art, he is also established as an actor with over 30 credits for commercials that have aired in both North America and Europe. As a singer, he has been trained by the famous South East Asia songbird Madam. Winnie Wei Sau Han  and has performed for various organizations, political fund raising dinner gala and concerts  in Canada

Peter has developed his own unique style and character by blending of both Chinese and Western techniques in flowers, fish, landscape and depictions of ancient Chinese women. He became a wellknow Chinese artist and been interviews by both English and Chinese  television stations and many newspapers. His works have been collected in both United States and Asia, and  have also been exhibited in Beijing, Hong Kong , Taiwan , New York and throughout Canada.

畫家陳叔善,原籍山東省,煙台市人.香港出生,自幼便喜愛自己畫畫,無師自通,少西畫家 Mrs. Muriel Andrews羅冠樵伍彝生研習國畫及油畫.但畫家本人一直堅持著作畫一定要有自己的風格, 因此畫風獨特, ,伴, 用,一,息, 自成一派. 便鯉,賞.
陳叔善少年時就讀加拿大西安大學,主修政治及世界歷史,副修美術. 80年代末移民加拿大多倫多, 並創辦自己的工藝禮品批發生意. 常年不斷穿梭於中國,香港及北各大城市. 雖然喜歡做生意, 但內心感到很苦悶, 驀然回首, 發覺最愛的還是畫畫, 於是在2006年毅然放下一切.全身投入畫的世界. 並且在短短的時間成為加拿大華人著名畫家, 京,市,市,港,出, 舉辦了3十分成功的個人畫展, 分別被此地中西電視台,多家報章及華語電台極受歡迎的節目 " 名人堂 " 訪問和制作特輯專訪,目"聚"便曾2訪問等,家.
除了畫, 陳叔善也是加拿大影視廣告播音演藝員工會 ( Actra ) 的正式演員. 先後主演超30個北美英語主流社會電視廣告如百事可樂等等....畫家陳叔善也是一位攝影師及導演制作人,亦是一位本地歌手,藝名 Peter Chan,專唱國粵語經典金曲,因為外型斯文歌聲甜美,故有多多費玉清之稱.畫家一直跟隨著譽滿東南亞花腔女高音歌唱家韋秀嫻老師學習歌藝, 亦經常被邀請為各僑社,團體,政客晚宴和演唱會作主持司儀及演唱....實在是一位真正多才多藝的藝術家.

contact/通訊聯絡  Email: 

                   畫家陳叔善和加拿大總理哈珀  Canadian Prime Minster Stephen Harper & Artist Peter Suk Sin Chan

Sunday, November 2, 2014

深秋河畔一綠柳飘..好美的風景影片...... 陳叔善 Artist Peter Suk Sin Chan

漫步在這深秋垂柳飘舞河畔,隔著層層的枝葉,靜心的往外望, 却見不到您的踪影, 莫非您也正是在對岸的垂柳邊在找我??  也和我一樣的茫茫然, 情歸無處.....希望有一天能在這湖畔迎面相遇, 再續那三生前的盟約.....無負我的情深....      陳叔善 2014112

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Autumn is here....Peter Suk Sin Chan

It is almost end of Autumn, is getting cooler in the early morning and evening... but i like Autumn because it look beautiful when all the leaves turn into red and yellow 多倫多的深秋己到來了, 雖然早晚都很冷, 但變了黃色的樹葉却美得很迷人....在此祝大家有一個愉快的秋季

Friday, October 17, 2014

台灣紅歌星劉明珠及 Candy Chen 和我的舊相片

Thank you so much to Mr. Leung  sending me this old photo of me- first right from second roll, my freind , popular Taiwanese singer  ( Liu Ming Chu  ) third right from second roll and ( Miss Candy Chen ) second right from second roll. This photo was taken in 2008 when Liu Ming Chu specially come to performed her singing for the Canada- Toronto Chinese Women Association Christmas Gala