Monday, April 18, 2016


去了前任加拿大書法會徐主席的書法展, 我的兩個個展的標題是那時候徐主席他寫的 ( 圖中照片 )...他也是美術會的副主席.......因為這個原因我起了他一個綽號叫他 - " 除褲主席 "
Went to former Chairman of Canada Chinese Calligraphy Association's exhibition. He is the one that help me wrote the main titile of my two solo exhibition at that time ( as shown in my 2 opening photos).

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Canadian Chinese Radio Live Interview Artist Peter Suk Sin Chan 華語電台現場訪問陳叔善( Please click n listen )

Thank you for listen, hope you enjoy it, best wishes Peter Suk Sin Chan

Peter Suk Sin Chan was born in Hong Kong. He started drawing at the age of 4 and credits his elementary school art teacher Mrs. Muriel Andrews for encouraging him to develop his artistic talent. Peter started his own business and traveled extensively  but realized that he was not fulfilling his true calling as an artist. He decided to give up his business and pursue his dream as an fine art artist. In addition to his passion for art, he is also established as an actor with over 30 credits for commercials that have aired in both North America and Europe. As a singer, he has been trained by the famous South East Asia songbird Madam. Winnie Wei Sau Han  and has performed for various organizations, political fund raising dinner gala and concerts  in Canada

Peter has developed his own unique style and character by blending of both Chinese and Western techniques in flowers, fish, landscape and depictions of ancient Chinese women. He became a wellknow Chinese artist and been interviews by both English and Chinese  television stations and many newspapers. His works have been collected in both United States and Asia, and  have also been exhibited in Beijing, Hong Kong , Taiwan , New York and throughout Canada.

畫家陳叔善,原籍山東省,煙台市人.香港出生,自幼便喜愛自己畫畫,無師自通,少西畫家 Mrs. Muriel Andrews羅冠樵伍彝生研習國畫及油畫.但畫家本人一直堅持著作畫一定要有自己的風格, 因此畫風獨特, ,伴, 用,一,息, 自成一派. 便鯉,賞.
陳叔善少年時就讀加拿大西安大學,主修政治及世界歷史,副修美術. 80年代末移民加拿大多倫多, 並創辦自己的工藝禮品批發生意. 常年不斷穿梭於中國,香港及北各大城市. 雖然喜歡做生意, 但內心感到很苦悶, 驀然回首, 發覺最愛的還是畫畫, 於是在2006年毅然放下一切.全身投入畫的世界. 並且在短短的時間成為加拿大華人著名畫家, 京,市,市,港,出, 舉辦了3十分成功的個人畫展, 分別被此地中西電視台,多家報章及華語電台極受歡迎的節目 " 名人堂 " 訪問和制作特輯專訪,目"聚"便曾2訪問等,家.
除了畫, 陳叔善也是加拿大影視廣告播音演藝員工會 ( Actra ) 的正式演員. 先後主演超30個北美英語主流社會電視廣告如百事可樂等等....畫家陳叔善也是一位攝影師及導演制作人,亦是一位本地歌手,藝名 Peter Chan,專唱國粵語經典金曲,因為外型斯文歌聲甜美,故有多多費玉清之稱.畫家一直跟隨著譽滿東南亞花腔女高音歌唱家韋秀嫻老師學習歌藝, 亦經常被邀請為各僑社,團體,政客晚宴和演唱會作主持司儀及演唱....實在是一位真正多才多藝的藝術家.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Stir Fir Chinese Tamato Scramble Egg - Most Easier Way To Make- Peter Suk Sin Chan

一水隔天涯 陳叔善唱

一水隔天涯 陳叔善唱 ..... “一水隔天涯”....原唱者是誰呢?原唱是韋秀嫻(電影插曲),但風行唱片用回苗金鳳的劇照做細碟封面(且寫金 ­鳳主唱),因此早期曾被影迷誤為 苗金鳳主唱.
Peter singing a popular old Cantonese theme song from a famous HongKong old movie. The original singer of this theme song is my singing teacher, the famous song bird of HongKong from the mid 50's Winnie Wei ( Wei Sau Han )

曲 于磷
詞 左凡
妹愛哥情重 哥愛妹風姿
為了心頭願 連理結雙枝
只是一水隔天涯 不知相會在何時
眷戀驚回夢 醒覺夢依稀
獨語癡情話 聊以寄相思
只是一水隔天涯 不知相會在何時
小別相逢多韻味 長別無期哪不悲?
往日歡笑難忘記 你不歸來我不依
預計歸來日 哥卻未知歸
舊約煙雲逝 勞燕各分飛
只恨一水隔天涯 不知相會在何時

一水隔天涯的剧情简介 · · · · · ·
  「一水隔天涯」來自1966年的香港電影「一水隔天涯」,當中便有這首與電影同名的主 題曲,電影改編自「麗的呼聲」廣播劇。「一水隔天涯」是60年代通俗劇的代表作。它寫 一個女性悲慘的一生,情節豐富,但難得的是結構精密,節奏明快,沒有通俗劇常見的累贅 毛病;幾個戲劇性的轉折點,雖然仍建築在巧合之上,但人物感情真實可信。正是這方面的 表現,使我們看到左幾的深厚功力。劇情在港澳兩地穿梭,我們看到澳門外景,觀眾會覺得 很新鮮,畫面賞心悅目。 
  劇情簡介 : 校長秦沛凡(張瑛飾)發現宿生王小明之母乃歌女紅玫梅(苗金鳳飾),但梅否認。後來小 明急病,梅迫於自揭身世,原來梅年少被騙,待產下小明後即被遺棄。梅唯有做歌女為生, 養活小明及父妹,但仍潔身自愛,凡深表可惜並生愛意,結果兩人發展順利。不久梅在澳門 的父親病了,凡陪同梅前行,擬告知姑母欲與梅結婚,豈料姑母一心撮合學...
导演: 左几
编剧: 左几
主演: 苗金鳳 / 张瑛 / 丁亮
类型: 爱情
制片国家/地区: 香港
语言: 粤语
片长: 111分钟
:粤语长片《一水隔天涯》,1966年,香港。 电影改编自“丽的呼声”广播剧,由苗金凤、张瑛主演,而唱片也写著由金凤主唱,不过其­实主唱者是另有其人,她就是歌唱家韦秀娴。

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

4月4日兒童節 Peter Suk Sin Chan

April 4, In HongKong is " The Children Day" . I remember when we are small, our family will take us out for dinner, etc to celebrate , many times my parents are busy with their business but they will still arrange someone to take us out for dinner. .ha.ha. i am the one on left handside sitting on the chair with blue cloth and short pant... smile emoticon 2 girls that dress in white &the two boys that standing on the edge was our father friend's son from Japan The rest of the girls in flower pattern clothing is my sisters, the kid in white turtle neck is my younger brother, and the one sitting in front with blue pant closing his eye is my second elder brother...the older guy beside my elder brother is my father friend's son.
4月4日兒童節- 我是穿藍衣短褲坐右在椅上的細路( 兒童),前兩邉站的小孩和2位白衣小女孩是我爸朋友的兒子女兒,住在曰本..3位穿花衣棠是我姊姊,中坐藍褲是我哥哥,白t.shirt是我第第, 他後面是爸朋友兒子