Monday, August 15, 2016

著名才女李默姐 & Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

多謝著名才女李默姐( 左1 )知道我希望能有一天在香港開個人畫展, 便很熱心帶我去参觀饒宗頤文化舘鼻煙壺的展覽及介召我認識館主以作日後畫展場地參考 Thank you very much for the famous South East Aisa writer..Miss Lee ( first left Lady in red dress ) specially bring me to see exhibition at the wellknown HongKong art gallery and introduced me ,meeting the Chariman Yip of the art gallery.Because she know i was hoping oneday to have my own solo exhibition in HongKong

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

和 情歌靚聲王子Joe Mok 喝下午茶- Peter Suk Sin Chan

和 情歌靚聲王子Joe 喝下午茶....聊得很愉快, 但時間很急, 下次要回港住久一些. 多謝 Joe 寄回這些相片给我 Having afternoon tea with popular HongKong pop singer Joe, both of us really have a great taken by and from Joe.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

早前冲冲回了香港一躺, 很多地方也没去, 只能邊行邊胡亂拍些照片-Peter Suk Sin Chan 畫家陳叔善

早前冲冲回了香港一躺, 很多地方也没去, 只能邊行邊胡亂拍些照片...
I went back to HongKong a while ago but no time to visit places that i want to see due to limited time so the only things i can do is just took any photo when it is convenience, this is some of the photo in a old and busy side street in Kowloon