Friday, September 16, 2016

您怎麽说 陳叔善唱 popular old mandarin song sing by Peter Suk Sin Chan



*我沒忘記 你忘記我


Peter Suk Sin Chan 畫家 陳叔善

Peter Suk Sin Chan was born in Hong Kong. He started drawing at the age of 4 and credits his elementary school art teacher Mrs. Muriel Andrews for encouraging him to develop his artistic talent. Peter started his own business and traveled extensively  but realized that he was not fulfilling his true calling as an artist. He decided to give up his business and pursue his dream as an fine art artist. In addition to his passion for art, he is also established as an actor with over 30 credits for commercials that have aired in both North America and Europe. As a singer, he has been trained by the famous South East Asia songbird Madam. Winnie Wei Sau Han  and has performed for various organizations, political fund raising dinner gala and concerts  in Canada

Peter has developed his own unique style and character by blending of both Chinese and Western techniques in flowers, fish, landscape and depictions of ancient Chinese women. He became a wellknow Chinese artist and been interviews by both English and Chinese  television stations and many newspapers. His works have been collected in both United States and Asia, and  have also been exhibited in Beijing, Hong Kong , Taiwan , New York and throughout Canada.

Besides painting, Peter is also a full member of Actra, had more than 40 credits in Canadian and US National TV commercials such as Pepsi, Mr. Sub, Kelloggs, CIBC, Mr. Big, Toilet Duck..etc. Peter is also a Dialect Coach for Maggie Q 's popular TV series Nikita and various actors in different tv series.

畫家陳叔善,原籍山東省,煙台市人.香港出生,自幼便喜愛自己畫畫,無師自通,少年時跟西洋畫家 Mrs. Muriel Andrews學畫, 及後經香港小姐張瑪莉介紹跟著名香港大畫家羅冠樵學習國畫, 在多倫多亦有跟伍彝生老師再研習國畫及油畫.但畫家本人一直堅持著作畫一定要有自己的風格, 因此畫風獨特, 富麗堂皇大氣,工寫雙伴, 洋為中用,中酉合一,畫作有箸劃時代多元文化氣息, 自成一派. 最受人贊颂便是他的牡丹花和錦鯉,非常值得收藏覲賞.

陳叔善少年時就讀加拿大西安大學,主修政治及世界歷史,副修美術. 80年代末移民加拿大多倫多, 並創辦自己的工藝禮品批發生意. 常年不斷穿梭於中國,香港及北美各大城市. 雖然喜歡做生意, 但內心感到很苦悶, 驀然回首, 發覺最愛的還是畫畫, 於是在2006年毅然放下一切.全身投入畫的世界. 並且在短短的時間成為加拿大華人著名畫家, 作品在北京,台湾台中市,高雄市,香港,美國紐約和加拿大各大城市展出, 並舉辦了3次十分成功的個人畫展, 分別被此地中西電視台,多家報章及華語電台極受歡迎的節目 " 名人堂 " 訪問和制作特輯專訪,如新城市電視皇牌節目"大城小聚"便曾2次專輯訪問畫家陳叔善等,被認為是最有影嚮力和收藏價值的海外華人畫家.

除了畫, 陳叔善也是加拿大影視廣告播音演藝員工會 ( Actra ) 的正式演員. 先後主演超過30個北美英語主流社會電視廣告如百事可樂, Mr. Sub, CIBC, Mr. Big, Toilet Duck...等等....畫家陳叔善也是一位攝影師及導演制作人,亦是一位本地歌手,藝名 Peter Chan,專唱國粵語經典金曲,因為外型斯文歌聲甜美,故有多倫多費玉清之稱.不過陳叔善喜歡別人叫他畫家歌手.畫家一直跟隨著譽滿東南亞花腔女高音歌唱家韋秀嫻老師學習歌藝, 亦經常被邀請為各僑社,團體,政客晚宴,各個商場和演唱會作主持司儀及演唱嘉賓....實在是一位真正多才多藝的藝術家.

Sunday, September 11, 2016


Thank for the beautiful flower - Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

Thank you Esther and Linda for the beautiful Roses and also specially come to the New Kennedy Square to give me the support.  I was the feature singer for today specail event at the New Kennedy Square for the Chinese Mid Autumn Festival which is co sponsor by both the New Kennedy Square and the Canadian Chinese Broadcast華語電台

New Kennedy Square - Chinese Mid Autumn Festival - FREEMOON Cakes Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

Here is before the show start, some of the popular Canadian Chinese Broadcast 's radio hosts & hostess busing preparing packing the hot of the grill Chinese Moon Cakes as free gift to the audience that come to see our show today- The Chinese Mid Autumn Festival which was held in New Kennedy Square and co host by both New Kennedy Square 新旺角廣場and Canadian Chinese Broadcast 華語電台. I am very happy to be invited as the feature singer for this events and sing 5 songs for the audiences( many more photos at my blogs, please click the photos to see more 更多相片在博客,請點擊相片進入觀看)
Happy to be invited as the singer for the New Kennedy Square Chinese Mid Autumn Festival event - co host by both New Kennedy Square and Chinese Broadcast....

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

Hope you enjoy me singing this 6 popular mandarin and cantonese songs for a charity event at the  New Kennedy Square, Unionville, Ontario, Canada. It is one of the Mon Sheong Foundation's chairty activities, it is organized by the Canadian Chinese Broadcast

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Mid Autumn Festival - Singing at New Kennedy Square- Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

If you have time and just passing by the area this coming sunday Sept 11, 2016 from 2-4 pm  please come by the New Kennedy Square. There will be a event to celebrate the Chinese Mid Autumn Festival and i will sing some popular old mandarin and cantontese songs as well, hope to see you  there, all the best wishes...event is organize by the New Kenndy Square and Canadian Chinese Broadcast

Happy to Sing for the Charity Event of - Mon Sheong Foundation September 2016 Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

Very happy at this past long weekend holiday, i have a chance to be invited by the Canadian Chinese Broadcast to do a Charity singing performance for half an hours for the MON SHEONG FOUNDATION