Wednesday, December 28, 2016

2016 Miss Asia Canada & Artist Peter Suk Sin Chan Charity Fundraising Show

付上一小段我在唱- " 街燈下" 和小小片段2016年加拿大亞洲小姐冠軍和亞軍, 一位成熟美,另一位青春美, 這是我們1星期前應華語電台 Canadian Chinese Broadcast & Canadian Chinese Radio 之邀為慈善活動登台表演....A small video clip of me singing an old popular Mandarin song " Under The Streetlight" and a tiny tiny clip of 2016 Miss Asia Canada and Miss Asia Canad first runner up when we are invited by the Canadian Chiense Broadcast & Canadian Chinese Radio, doing a Charity Show at the New Kennedy Square before Christmas

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Wow..Lot of Snow....

The Old Native Indian Chief was right about his prediction that this is going to be a long and cold winter with lot of snow.... well , see it yourself, this is after cleaning and removing the snow in my house...  :( .but the good thing is we will have a white christmas

Thursday, December 15, 2016

舊相片 Old Photos- Peter Suk Sin Chan 畫家 陳叔善


Sunday, December 11, 2016

Invited by Canadian Chinese Radio sing for Charity Fund Rising S.E.A.S Foundation - Peter Suk Sin Chan

Happy invited by Canadian Chinese Broadcast to sing 6 songs for the S.E.A.S Foundation Charity Fund Raising Event at the New Kennedy Square. Nice to see ward 6 councillor Amanda, ward York 3,5,6選區教育委員 Carol again . Lot of great programs at that day including the radio station invited the Miss Asia Canada and Miss Asia Canada second runner up to Recitation and Sing for the audiences. New Kennedy Square actually is very big and have many different restaurants and shops, i took some photos 很閙心被華語電台邀靖在新旺角廣場為協群基金慈演唱6首國粵語金曲, 也高興到再見到ward 6 Councillor Amanda和約克區3,5,6選區教育委員Carol. 當日節目豐富電台也邀請了加拿大亞洲小姐冠軍及亞軍為大家朗誦及唱歌. 新旺角廣場也很大有許多餐館和店鋪,我抽空拍了些照片

My Dog come with a toy & touch me asking exchange for food..cute

My Dog is so so cute, intelligent , smart , fair and reasonable.  When he see i am eating the food that he love, he ill jump up the back of the sofa, and use his hand to touch me and asking for food, But he know he cant be greedy so he always bring a tool of his and ask me for exchange, and sure, how can i refuse this cute offer.... :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

今夜台北没有您 畫家歌手陳叔善唱

一首許多年前也流行過的一首國語歌, 叫做 " 台北今夜沒有您" 不知原唱是否吳靜嫻? 或白嘉莉? 還是別位歌星?......少年時曾在台灣工作近2年多, 時常公幹到台北, 很懷念那時的風土人情味.....時光飛逝, 轉眼4份1世紀己過去了....台北不止今夜没有您....也没有我了.! 剩下的只是一些思念及回憶.....希望大家也會喜歡我唱的這個版本....祝福好 ( 按相片進入博客便可收聽)

我要對您说 畫家歌手陳叔善唱 popular old mandarin love song sing by Peter Suk Sin Chan

Fine Wine Plus Coffee 美酒加咖啡 畫家歌手陳叔善

真情比酒濃 畫家歌手陳叔善唱 popular old mandarin song

Monday, December 5, 2016

Chinese Peacock Painting - by Artist Peter Suk Sin Chan ( ENGLISH SPEAKING VERSION )

陳叔善 孔雀畫 ( 中文解說 )

Koi Fish painting - Artitst Peter Suk Sin Chan - 陳叔善

小李飛刀 -羅文 -- Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

以前羅文每次來多倫多或我回香港時,他都會送cd或卡帶给我, 圖中第1張有他簽名,第2張沒有,因為認識久了他送給我時我没有要他簽名, 其他大部份簽了名的都借給了朋友的朋友的友人聽,通通都成了一去不回頭.......這僅有剩下的2張也己脱色了...正如這份友誼一樣己随故人和歲月的離去而随風飄遠......羅文人很好很真誠! ..... 小李飛刀-羅文 -".... 刀峰冷, 熱情未冷,心底更是難過...." 不知他的歌迷是否對他仍然熱情未冷?

Friday, December 2, 2016

Charity Event- Guest Singer at New Kennedy Square Dec 10, 2016

12月10日 下午1時至4時, 我會應加拿大華語電台之邀在新旺角廣場為協群機構慈善義買日演唱半小時國語及粵語經典金曲..希望大家能來捐錢購物,使一些有需要的人,亦可渡過一個温暧普天同慶的聖誕佳節......同一日晚上我會在 Studio 9 的 3大樂隊Live演唱會上作其中l位演唱嘉賓, 連晚餐在内$30一張票 (己滿)...祝福大家....陳叔善敬上
Dec 3, 2016 Saturday , 1-4 pm i will be singing ( half an Hour ) of popular Mandarin and Cantonese golden oldies at the New Kennedy Square Center, Markham,, Ontario.for a Charity fund raising event co host by the Canadian Chinese Broadcast.....the same evening, i will be one of the guest singjng at Studio 9 for the three popular local Chinese bands at their live concert, ticket are $30 per person include light dinner ( Sold Out ) wishes, Have a nice weekend.... Peter

Two Swallows - Cantonese song- Peter Suk Sin Chan 分飛燕 陳叔善

GoodBye My Little Daring Son - Little DiDi ( nickname - Alien )


蘋果花歌后楊燕多倫多演唱會 Yang Yen Concert in Toronto - 2012

Pretty Girls Dancing in the Street

I CAN HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS Hello, this bird try to communicate with me.

一朵小花 韋秀嫻 My teacher Winnie Wei Sau Han & Her old mandarin song

Chinese Painting - Artist Peter Suk Sin Chan, Peony Painting

番茄炒蛋 - 最快最易煮的方法 ( Peter 平,靚,正,快 ,煮食天地 ) 8 陳叔善

Beautiful Red Parrot Fish...must watch