Sunday, January 29, 2017

Chinese New Year Celebration at the CENTERPOINT MALL 畫家陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan

1月28日星期6應華語電台FM102.7, 在Yonge and Steeles 洋人商場 CENTERPOINT MALL演唱
Well. as you can see from the photos, it is a fun, exciting and happy day when the Canadian Chinese Radio FM102.7 had organized the Chinese New Year Celebration at the CENTERPOINT MALL ( event sponsor by the Centerpoint Mall ) in January 28, 2017 the first day of Chinese New Year ( it last 15 days )  i am happy to be invited to sing a number of popular old Mandarin and Cantonese pop songs and most exciting thing is i can give out three red lucky envolop () which is given by the CENTERPOINT MALL ) to the audience that if they  can answer the questions- the name of the songs that i sung really a successful , happy, fun event , love it

Singing at the CENTERPOINT MALL Chinese New Year Celebration -Peter Suk Sin Chan

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

金雞報喜 畫家陳叔善 Happy Happy Chinese New Year - Year of The Rooster Peter Suk Sin Chan

This is a new painting that i did in this year, since this is The Year of Rooster so i use this painting and wish all of  you a Happy, Healthy, Wealthy, Lucky Year of the Chicken 2017

我的新作, 祝大家年行大運發大財大吉大利...陳叔善敬上

or click

06- Ducks , Birds & Little Animal Paintings/小動物畫作 陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

畫家歌手陳叔善1日28曰在 CENTERPOINT MALL 商場和大家一起賀新年

Crying Ghost 鬼夜哭

Crying Ghost 鬼夜哭

Did you every hear about the sound or crying voice of a ghost?
Well...i did had experience once when i was around 16 years old. The sound was so horrify that i still can remember even up until today. In this little short film, i try to recreated the sound of that crying ghost as close as i can......thank you for watching, best wishes
 If you like to see or hear more about ghosts please subscribe my channel so Youtube will notify you whenever there is a new video upload from me.

This short film " Crying Ghost " is directed by myself Peter Suk Sin Chan based on my own experience. Copyright Controlled

大家聽過鬼咸聲未? 我有, 在我大約16歲左右時, 遲些我有在這視頻網站上和大家詳談...先奉上一套我自己拍的 " 鬼夜哭" 短片給大家看..我己盡量將我少年時聽到的鬼哭聲一模一樣的還原在此短片上

此短片由我本人陳叔善導演, 版權專有

" Seeing A Evil Ghost ".......有鬼呀!....好邪..好邪...好邪!

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Full Tank of Fancy Red Tux Half Black Guppies - so wonderful to watch

Went to buy some Indian food for snack

Went to buy some Indian food for snack...Samosa, Spring Roll, Indian Bread
經過2間印度外買店, 第1間在大街口,有50多人在排隊 我不想等,除非是長生不老藥,况且我只想買一些小食不是飯菜,於是到了第2間.在商場後面,馬上 只有10人左右,店是小型一些的,我入去查看一下, 但見食品水準也行, 都是新鲜剛造好,看著店員抬出來的,香香熱熱的,於是買了一些印度小零食, 那炸春卷和素食咖哩角很不錯. 圓餅也可以 ( 但那中間特有的印度香料我不大合口味)我想內中如改用咖哩牛肉, 或葱 又或者淨是麵包則更合我意(更多相片在博客中 ,按相片一下便可進入觀看 more photos at my blog just click the photo and see )

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Photos from Councillor Willie Woo - Clarington - the 8th Chinese Media Award Gala 2017

Toronto Chinese media award gala, 200 guests attended, 25 politians from 3 levels of government, 2 from Vancouver and Calgary, others from Toronto, Markham, Mississauga, Richmond hill, clarington....

Guppies - Tropical Fish

My Guppies Painting

if you like to see and get more informations on my painting, please visit my only official website

or simply click this link below and it will bring you right into the Guppies Fish paintings ,info and others

04-C) TROPICAL FISH Painting 不同類型熱帶魚.蝦畫 陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan

Saturday, January 14, 2017

雞年平安大吉圖 - 伍彝生 ( 竹) & 陳叔善 ( 雞)

這是很多年前和孔雀王伍彝生老師合作畫的一張大畫, 正好用來慶祝雞年, 詳情請看此片段, 多謝收看, 畫家陳叔善敬上

Thursday, January 12, 2017

The 8th Toronto Chinese Media Award Gala 2017

Happy to be the MC and hosting the 8 th Toronto Chinese Media Award Gala 2017 with co host Loretta and Maggie.

The large group photo from Meena total had more than 20 Canadian Politicans from Vancouver, Toronto, Ontario and also the Sponsor of the event....happy Gathering