Friday, February 24, 2017

Rose painting water color painting Pink Rose by Artist Peter Suk Sin Chan

國畫 凌霄花 畫家陳叔善作品

FLOS CAMPSIS (Campsis Flower (Ling Xiao Hua)) Painting by Artist Peter Suk Sin Chan

黃色牡丹花 中國重彩工筆畫 國畫 畫家陳叔善

Yellow Peony Flower Painting by Artist Peter Suk Sin Chan

A School of Silver Molly

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Mandarin Duck & Lotus Flower Painting by Artist Peter Suk Sin Chan

for more information , welcome to visit my website

or click the link below

02-C) Lotus Painting 蓮花畫 陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan

-English- Looking at a beautiful Pink Peony Painting by Artist Peter Suk Sin Chan

02 - A) Peony Flower 牡丹花 陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan

Large Purple & Red Peony Flower Painting ( English Speaking ) by Artist Peter Suk Sin Chan

02 - A) Peony Flower 牡丹花 陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

我還是永遠的愛著你 陳叔善唱 Peter Suk Sin Chan

明天是多倫多情人節..奉上一首雖然很傷感但又十分很好聽的舊歌.... " 我還是永遠的愛著你" ...多謝 Triple Eight Productions 制作這音樂片段, 淒美得就像一幅活動的畫和詩. A very nice old Mandarin song - " I Still Love You Forever "
thank you Triple Eight Productions help produced this beautiful Muisc Video, just like a living painting and a poem

Friday, February 10, 2017

Large Red Peony - Chinese Painting - Artist Peter Suk Sin Chan

I hope you will enjoy this video of my Large Red Peony Painting,
for more information you are welcome to visit my official website

or just click the below link

02 - A) Peony Flower 牡丹花 陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan

在加拿大華語電台FM102.7 西人商場年初一賀年show中我請觀眾上台唱一段粵語流行歌徐小鳳名曲-風雨同路- 陳叔善

大家好, 祝新年發財大吉, 這是我應加拿大華語電台 FM102.7 在加拿大安大略省的多倫多 Yonge & Steeles 的洋人商場 CENTERPOINT MALL 慶祝中國農歷新年演唱6首經典國語及粵語金曲的其中第4首 及第5首..多謝收看 陳叔善

風從那裏來 畫家歌手陳叔善唱 華語電台 FM102.7 新年西人購物商場慶祝表演

I love Chinese New Year , it is fun and very enjoyable, it last for 15 days, lot of foods, lion dances, all kind of special lucky rituals , foods, ways to celebrate the new year and bring in good luck.

Thank you for watching, best wishes
有多倫多費玉清之美譽的畫家歌手陳叔善應加拿大華語電台 FM102.7 在西人商場慶祝中國農曆新年演唱的其中一首流行歌- 風從那裏來

好開心可以在唱完 " 因為我愛您" 後代派西人購物商場送出的利事 ( 红包) 給在場觀眾

It is fun indeed after i finished singing my song, i can give three big lucky Red Envolop ( is a gift from the CENTERPOINT MALL ) to three audiences that can correctly answer the questions - which is what is the name of the differentssongs that i had just sing for them today, thank you for watching
Peter Suk Sin Chan