Sunday, April 6, 2014

My Painting for Kaohsiung , Taiwan Exhibition by The Bureau of Cultural Affairs Kaohsiung City Government - Peter Suk Sin Chanba

很高興及多謝收到從台灣高雄市帶回給我---我的一幅畫作 " ‧十全十美 "..... 這畫作品是我特别畫的, 用作去年2013年 10月應高雄市政文化局舉辦的一個書畫聯展----展覽用的...我畫這張十全十美圖用以祝福高雄市的市民人人都如意吉祥十全十美

Very happy to receive back my painting from Kaohsuing Taiwan , ROC . This painting is specially sent to a Group Exhibiiton in Kaohusing for exhibition only - which is organized by The Bureau of Cultural Affairs Kaohsiung City Government (4 photos)
 (4 photos)

Saturday, April 5, 2014