Monday, March 30, 2015

星洲歌后麗莎 & 畫家陳叔善

Queen of Singapore Pop Song- Lisa Wong - Casino Rama Concert - 5000 seats All Sold Out. so excited and happy to see my favour, famous cantonese pop song singer Lisa's concert, after concert spent some time with Lisa and bought her a cup of Hot Chocolate smile emoticon 久别重逢....星洲歌后- ( 相思淚 )- 麗莎 加拿大多倫多睹城演唱會...全院滿座..5000多座位無一空位........今天真是高興看到麗莎‧的演唱會, 很精彩, Lisa姐中氣十足,活力四射,又唱又跳. 多首粵語金曲另到此地的觀眾一下子便又回到了往曰的時光......光是聽她唱- 相思淚 - " ..難忘情深厚...." 5個多小時來回車程都是值得..在演唱會中,坐在附近的觀豪眾都紛紛在说, 佢地少年時聽麗莎唱歌, 同麗莎一同長大...麗莎呀...這個在叫麗莎, 那個又在講麗莎....麗莎名字说個不停.....原來麗莎在她們心中不只是一個巨星, 更像一個久别重逢的朋友....無可否認,那時期的麗莎,確是香港的一部份....演唱完了,Lisa姐把事情都弄好後,難得她還抽空來和我傾計( 聊天),碰讓我請她飲熱朱古力.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Best Moment- Sharing Some Time With My Dogie Together in a Cold Winter Night

we.. to me, one of the happy thing to do is to lay down on a sofa chair, watching  my favor ghost films, favour concert, having my Dogie right besides me during a cold winter night..

Thursday, March 12, 2015

My new painting 2015 Goose 我2015年新畫作 - 鵝 陳叔善

We have a very very cold 2015 winter.......the best thing for me to do at home is to do painting ...this is one of the paintings that i did in this couple months. It is a Goose, there are many many Goose in most of the parks , rivers, lakes or sometimes even in some streets.....

i will have my solo painting exhibition in this September 16-20, 2015  , if you have time, welcome to visit my exhibition , i will post information in later day..... take care and have a great day
peter suk sin chan