Tuesday, January 20, 2015

舊歡如夢 陳叔善唱 Peter Suk Sin Chan 原唱歌星譚炳文

I hope you will enjoy me singing this old popular Cantonese song. I use one of my plum and hybiscus flower painting as the background for this MV..hope you will like it too. Besides being a singer, i am a full time artist, if you have time welcome to visit my official we bsite



曲: 許石
詞: 龐秋華

當年相戀意中人 大家性情近
早種愛根極親蜜 心心相印互信任
月底花間相偎依 共喜有緣份
恩愛百般願比翼 痴心一縷共訂盟

喜逢知己倍精神 內心快樂無憾
朝晚眷戀共歡聚 天天相見互慰問
立心栽花花不香 重反惹愁恨
只怨愛海起風波 一朝生變斷愛盟

恩情如今化煙雲 未許再續情份
空有愛絲萬千丈 可惜都已盡化恨
枉拋相思枉痴戀 恨卿心太忍
只有嘆息舊歡似夢 早經消散莫再尋

Monday, January 19, 2015

梨花淚 陳叔善唱

I hope you will like my painting and my singing , than k  you for watching  Peter Suk Sin Chan

愛上你永遠不後悔 除了你知心又有誰
細雨就像梨花淚 點點滴滴都可貴

相聚時滿懷甜滋味 分手時美夢難追回
細雨就像梨花淚 盼望那梨花吐新蕊


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Rose painting - Peter Suk Sin Chan

Finally a real Canadian winter is coming this week, tomorrow will be -25 to -30 with windchile factor.....actually when it is snowing , not that cold, but if it is with wind then it is really really cold. This whole week is very cold so i try to stay home if i dont need to go out,  i spent my time to do paintings for my up coming solo exhibition in this coming september......  attach is one of my small golden rose painting that i did few years ago, it will be showing at the coming exhibition too..if you have time, welcome to visit my official website, http://www.petersuksinchan.com
take care, keep warm and have a nice day