Sunday, May 26, 2013

Lunch gathering to celebrate our art club chairman receive medal from the Queen

our art club chairman Chen had receive a medal from the Queen, today our art association executive member come out to have a vegetarina lunch gathering to celebrate

Saturday, May 25, 2013

午夜聞啼鳥...... 陳叔善 5/25/03 artist peter suk sin chan

我一向都是個晚睡的人,但自從有了網路通訊之後就變得更加的不願早睡覺了. 每天起码到深夜3時才睡...今夜我又是捱到快4時才迫著自己上牀...倒在牀上,轉頭看看睡著了的小寶貝狗狗, 心想小東西比我還會愛惜和保養身體...這時正聽到牀前窗外的鳥啼聲, 起初以為只一隻在叫, 聽著聽著..嘩..原來是有許多鳥在啼叫中,我静心地聽,有一只叫得特别嚮亮,其他數只跟著他在叫,原來他們不是在唱歌,而像是在交談中,有说有講的,突然又聽到了一把很細小微弱的聲音也加插在內,哈....是1隻小小小鳥兒,聲音細小得很可愛呀........我心中也跟著在笑這小不點...........! 我的天, 我竟然在半夜4時多聽著大小鳥兒的交說聲中不知不覺睡著了, 而且睡得很深和安適......原來紅塵俗事可以被鳥兒的啼叫聲一掃而空, 太美妙了...也許我的心在呼唤我回歸自然......

Sunday, May 19, 2013

五月的微風細雨 - 陳叔善 peter suk sin chan

今年的春天和過去的數個春季有點不大相同, 因為今年的天氣非常反覆, 時冷時熱, 時睛時雨, 連穿什麽衣服都要特別的注意 ,因為這種多變的氣候很容易使人受凉而傷風....很多朋友都在抱怨, 但我細心的回想了一下, 發覺我們是被前數個早暖的春天給騙了, 在20多年前我初到加拿大多倫多, 那時候5月便是跟現在的一樣都是微風細雨, 要到5月尾才正式夏至...........其實這樣也不錯, 因為大地萬物都需要足夠的春雨才能正常健康地生長. 人也是一樣,最好還是能一步一步地迎接著變化, 總比時常的特然大起大跌來得容易承受及處理.......五月的微風細雨總是會過去的,很快那炎熱的陽光便會再來到了.......讓我也在此懷著愉快的心情來盼望迎接著夏日的到來.....也祝福大家好     陳叔善 寫於5目19日 2013年

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Asia Heritage Month of Candada - Art Exhibition -加拿大亞裔文化月精品展 peter suk sin chan 陳叔善

This month is the Asia Heritage Month of Canada, there are many culture activities and events to celebrate this Asia Month....The chinese artists association had held an Art Exhibition ( Selected Artworks ) which is sponsor by Premier Ballroom and Convention Center...... Member of Provincail Parliament  Mr. Bas Balkissoon and city Councillor of Richmond Hill Godwin Chan along with  many other guests had come to this oneday of my painting and artist Daiwood's painting is also exhibited in this event