Monday, July 27, 2015

Three Friendly and Funny Chicken

i went to a farm market and see this three friendly and funny chicken, i like them
Peter Suk Sin Chan

Happy to pick the Apricot - Peter Suk Sin Chan 摘杏子 陳叔善

happy to pick some Apricot from the apricot tree, taste very very sweet, loving it
thank you for watching
Peter Suk Sin Chan

Thursday, July 23, 2015

不了情 陳叔善 唱 Old Mandarin songs sing by Peter Suk Sin Chan

Theme song from a very popular old HongKong make Black and White Mandarin love story
hope you will like it, Peter singing, thank you for watching, best wishes
peter suk sin chan

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

又是黄昏 陳叔善 唱 Peter Suk Sin Chan sing Popular Old Mandarin Love Song

Hope you will enjoy me singing this popular old mandarin song, Peter Suk Sin Chan

又是黃昏, 夕陽西沈, 在我心裡出現一個人........到如今我度過多少黃昏, 多少次夕陽西沈, ........ 就為了等候初戀的人..... .忽然聽見你的聲音................向我這裡飛奔!

Monday, July 20, 2015

往事只能回味 陳叔善 唱 Peter Suk Sin Chan sing popular old mandarin song

popular old mandarin love song,  hope you will enjoy it, but before i start singing, DJ make a mistake putting a wrong sound track on...that is so course , everything work out fine ..thanks for watching, have a nice day  peter suk sin chan

煙雨斜陽 陳叔善 唱 Peter Suk Sin Chan sing Mandarin song

A very popular old Mandarin song...hope you will enjoy it, thank you for watching
Peter Suk Sin Chan

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Who Make My Music Videos? & My EPST Concert

Many people had asked me the question, who is the company and person that film, and produced those great music videos of mine and my EPST concert...well, here is the answer....

Triple Eight Productions

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Went to a new Outlet Mall for shopping..

Our friend come to visit us couple days ago and told us there is a new outlet mall located not too far away from our home, so we went for a look and do some shopping......

Sunday, July 5, 2015

韋秀嫻老師, 黄兆强師兄, 韋以莊, 韋以茵師姐, 畫家陳叔善

韋秀嫻  著名花腔女高音,有百靈鳥之稱,曾替香港國粵語近百部著名影片唱主題曲及代唱..電影一水隔天涯 香港港聯電影公司 1966年幕後原唱者便是韋老師


韋以茵 前無線電視著名女藝人

陳叔善 著名畫家