Sunday, August 30, 2015

加拿大新時代電視 "大城小聚" -金牌司儀 潘宗明 訪問畫家陳叔善

今天很高興接受了加拿大新時代電視 " 大城小聚" 訪問, 尤其是由相識的金牌司儀潘宗明 專訪, 大家談得很愉快, 很精釆, 值得一看, 播出日期是 10冃26日,到時請記住收看... 相片是我契仔,已長得跟我一樣高

Today i am very happy and honour to be interview by the Canada Chinese TV - Fairchild Television at their most popular talk show -" Leisure Talk " host by the top Chinese TV host/MC - Poon Chun is a great interview, it will be air in October 26, 2015 so make sure tune in and watch....thank you, best wishes....Peter ( attach is photo of my Godson and me, Wow, my Godson tall is as tall as i am, very very soon he will be taller than )

Friday, August 14, 2015

King of Taiwan Pop Music - Ching San 寶島歌王青山和 & Artist Peter Suk Sin Chan 畫家陳叔善

寶島歌王青山..這相片在加拿大照了快10年了, 但我一直末有和朋友分享, 因為那次青山沒有染黑頭髮, 我是他歌迷, 不想給大家看到...數年後青山為環星主演了2個成功演唱會....但最近在綱上.面書上看到歌王青山非常有自信以一頭銀髮在電視及Singpore演唱會出見, 效果很好, 所以我便把這相片上傳...那次在加拿大的concert全場暴滿,要加檯及加椅..... ps.還有一張相片,按此相片一下便可看到

Saturday, August 1, 2015

UK TV Channel 4 - Dogs: season 3 epsidoe 1 used my video of my My Dogie Pee in my bed :)

VERY HAPPY ... few months ago, the UK TV - Channel 4 , their program called “Dogs: Season 3 Epsiode 1 Their Secret Lives” which is all about dog care and dog behaviour- wanted to use the video i filmed in my youtube about my two Dogies, My Dogie son DiDi & My Dogie Grandson Noodle , peeing in my bed in their TV episode.....and it is show in United Kingdom - England already smile emoticon 數月前, 很高興英國電視第4台的一個有關狗狗的節目, 第3季, 第一集..喜歡上我在我Youtube網上替我狗兒子 DiDi 及 狗孫子 Noodle 在我牀上尿尿的片段,我亦答應他們可以借用我狗狗的片段, 這節目己在全英倫播放了....