Sunday, September 21, 2014

This year summer is very short and autumn is already here.....soon all leave will turn into red....attach one of my painting that i did a long while ago, hope you will like it
秋天己到了,很多地方的樹葉也變紅了,付上一幅早些年畫的鳥和楓葉, 我喜歡唱歌,所以用了一首歌名作為這畫的名- " 楓紅層層 "
     楓紅 楓紅
     一層層 一層層

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

多謝我的歌唱老師名歌唱家花腔女高音百靈烏-韋秀嫻老師答應特别來我任畫會主席的畫會週年晚餐聚會, 老師比剛從香港回來時更精神, 整夜都很細心聆聽及回答和所有前來和她問好訤話和拍照的人,並坐到晚宴完畢才走.,坐在老師旁是洋畫家制作人戴活 Derek Sypniewsk.. Many thanks to my singing teacher the famous song bird of South East Asia since the 50's Winnie Wei Sau Han promised come to our art association's annual dinner gala..i am the elected Chairman for this well know Canadian Chinese art club from 2013-2015..Teacher Wei is looking great and very healthy .She spent most of her evening answering, talking , having photo taken to all those people , fans that come to see and greet her ...更多相片在

Saturday, September 13, 2014

和-後街男孩- 樂隊合拍的廣告-陳叔善 In a Canadian Natinal TV commercial with The BackStreet Boy- Peter Suk Sin Chan

在 N 年前( 即很久以前),當網路剛推出時,我幸運地通過面試鏡成為此加拿大全國電視廣告主要演員之一,和當年紅透半邊天的樂隊-後街男孩- Kevin 及 Brain,大家記得他們嗎? 在同一廣告内演岀,,這廣告對我很重要,因為有了他我剛好凑足3個credits而成為加拿大影視廣告播音演員工會 Actra 的正式合格會員Full Member..這工會被形容為全球最難入的演員工會之一
Many years ago, when internet just become avaliable, i was so fortunate enough able to passed the audition and won a principle park in this commercial , it is separate into two 1- one is info commercial for shopping channel, and the other one is standard Canadian National TV commercial ...
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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Time passing so fast, summer is over, autumn is here... Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

Time really passing so fast like an arrow, summer is coming to an end ...soon autumn will be here....Well...I decided long time ago, t I will try to enjoy every single day and and every seasons no matter it is good or bad, cold or warm for there is so much to treasure in life..attach a photo of an old painting that i done to show my love to the beauty of nature and autumn ! 時光似箭..夏天己快過去, 秋天不經不覺中己悄悄來到了, 在許久的以前,我己決定要珍惜每一天及每一個季節, 不管他是好或是壞, 是暖還是冷...因為能來這紅塵俗世走一躺不容易..要珍惜..奉上一張多年前畫的作品,以表示我對秋天和大自然的贊美...秋天在我心中對我來說並不冷,它是美麗和充滿色彩,正如困難它也並不可怕,反而充滿挑戰和生機.....在此祝福大家好 陳叔善敬上