Monday, November 30, 2015

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Planting some Berries for next year ...My friend Father give me this Berries plants to growth

My friend's Father give me this Berries Plants to growth few weeks ago, some of them are Rase Berries, Some are Goose Berries ...etc, well, boy, it is not easy to dig the ground and plant them, hopefully they will growth successful and i will have some Berries to eat next summer.......  :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Deer Peter - When i was a teenager

Please notice on the right hand corner of the photo, there is the big ear of another emoticon
少年的我 ( 鹿與我 )

Thursday, November 12, 2015


My friend sent me this very funny and yet very true and excellent attitudes toward life.......hope you will enjoy it and have a laugh

I asked myself how to handle life? 我問自己:「怎樣面對我的生命?」 My room gave me all the answers: 我的房間竟然給了所有的答案。
Roof said: Aim high. 屋頂說:「要目標夠高。」 Fan said: Be cool. 電扇說:「要保持冷靜。」 Clock said: Value time. 時鐘說:「要珍惜光陰。」 Calendar said: Be up to date. 日曆說:「要日新月異。」 Wallet said: Save now for the future. 錢包說:「要量入為出。」 Mirror said: Always observe yourself. 鏡子說:「要反觀自己。」 Lamps said: Light up other's life. 桌燈說:「要照亮別人。」 Wall said: Share others' load. 牆壁說:「要扛起重擔。」 Window said: Expand the vision. 窗戶說:「要拓寬視野。」 Floor said: Always be down to earth. 地板說:「要腳踏實地。」 Stairs said: Watch each step you take. 樓梯說:「要注意腳步。」
The most inspiring one: 而最鼓舞人心的則是:
Toilet bowl said: When it's time to let go, just let it go.... 馬桶說:「要放下、要捨得。」 And the toilet paper said: Expect shit everyday ! 而衛生紙說:「照單全收,絕不迴避。

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Poor Dogies, hope them to get well soon .....theyare so cute

i read from the news through the world journal today about this three dogies try to play with the wild Porcupine  and get this..... they look so funny, and cute....Poor Dogies..but actually is not funny for it almost cost their life, thank God they are strong tough big Dogies so the owners sent them to see the Vet to save their life....

Monday, November 2, 2015

我早己到了5000面書朋友限额, 我前陣子己開始減少朋友....畫家陳叔善 Artist Peter Suk Sin Chan

I reach my 5000 friend limited a long while ago, but i started to reduced the number of friends down. Because i am so tied up with things that i cant interacted with them, and i feel very sorry to take up their friend quota, so the best way is for myself to withdraw from their friend list voluntary......我早己到了5000面書朋友限额, 我前陣子己開始減少朋友 , 而且將會減下去, 因為我庸人事忙, 不能跟他她們互動, 而且他們也沒有和我間中聯絡, 我也不好意思佔了他們的限额, 所以我決定自動退出他們朋友名額, 留下空間給大家各自的有緣人...請原諒我負了各位卿卿和仁兄弟們........春去冬來, 花開花落, 自是人間留不住, 緣來緣去, 流水落花, 一切隨緣....在此祝福大家好!