Friday, June 13, 2014

畫家陳叔善-美國星島日報報導本會在美國紐約法拉盛書畫聯展-‧陳叔善墨韻琴聲書畫會主席( 2013-2015 )

多謝Amy給我這份剪報-美國紐約星島曰報關於我們在NY法拉盛的書畫聯展,前排右2陳叔善,請注意前排左3的先生今年101歲行動自如,站著講了5分鐘致詞..太捧了...引証科學家說人類如無意外應可以活到125歲....Thank you Amy sending me this newspaper clip from Newy York Singtao Newspaper reporting our group exhibiiton in Flushing, New York USA. Peter front 2 right, pls notice the gentleman on front left 3, he is 101 years old, still very healthy, walking freely without any assistant and give more than 5 minutes speech...very really prove that human being can live as scientist say at least 125 years old if things work out fine and no let keep a healthy, happy, stress free life style from now on so we can enjoy life longer.....